Just One “True Will”?

Is there really just one “True Will” for any given individual?

Or is there a number of possible areas of growth, application, focus, attention and effort, which for an individual, will find resonance and, if pursued without impediment, can deliver great fulfilment?

The idea that everyone has a “Single True Will” of their own has been a positive contribution of the Thelemic Current, since it challenged the abusive, ages-old practice of pushing individuals into culturally or family-prescribed roles that, more often than not, went horribly against their grain.

However, the “Single” part seems highly problematic. It does make sense to put the label “True Will” onto any point of great resonance within an individual, where that individual operates far more in concert with their inner mix of natures, compared to other points of expression.

Take a moment to consider the “singing bowls” popular in Asia, often used in meditation. These are forged from alloys of multiple metals. They can have several resonances, which a skilled player can evoke separately, or even in combinations. Similarly, for an individual, there can be more than one, even numerous points of resonance, where they function in peak state.