
Welcome to the Eulibria Project!

So what is Eulibria?

Eulibria is a potent framework for personal evolution and mastery, unlike anything you will have experienced before. Within its expression, you may recognise elements from several esoteric spiritual, magical and fraternal teachings, ancient through to current. However, it takes very little exploration to start realising that Eulibria is a system all of its own.

This utterance of Eulibria is new. But Eulibria itself is by no means a new framework. The principles of Eulibria existed before the known beginnings of life. Since the emergence and proliferation of life, these principles have been powerfully reinforced. What makes the contemporary utterance different is that it carefully curates and integrates a “stack” of philosophical, psychological and spiritual/magical tools from several eras and traditions, with new tools arising from contemporary Western society and technology.

One does not “learn” Eulibria. Instead, one relinquishes one’s own lifetime accumulation of blinding inner resistances, which have obstructed one from acknowledging Eulibria’s principles. With this, one gains the freedom to leverage the raw power of these principles for one’s own benefits – evolutionary and material, and whatever benefits one may wish to share with others.

As for etymology, Eulibria is a coined word. The “Eu” prefix means “beautiful”. The “libria” suffix means “equilibrium”, “balance”. The Word represents an integrated matrix of principles and realisations at numerous levels of psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and especially, magic.

In recent years, this harmonious matrix took root in one individual, grew, took shape, and through its continually evolving power, continues to this day to further accelerate that individual’s evolution. Lately, it is finding uptake with other individuals, who find it lighting up countless blind spots, and filling significant gaps, in their previous teachings.

Many have encountered the dichotomy between “right hand” versus “left hand” paths of spirituality.

The “right hand path” aligns with collective entities, and advocates for one to subsume themselves into that which is “greater” — whether this be a family, a culture, a sports team, an employer, a religion, a tribe, an army unit. It encourages individuals to identify themselves as cells in a larger colony organism, a group more powerful than any of its individual members.

On the other hand, the “Left Hand Path” is a more difficult, challenging and confronting path. Its teachings impel individuals to whittle away at their bonds with, and obligations to, the numerous larger organisms in which they have been embedded. The Left Hand Path advocates personal sovereignty, mastery, even divinity. It sees collective affiliations as obstacles to one’s fullest potentials. Left Hand Path encourages individuals to break taboos, to dissolve obligations and needs involving others. As a journey, it brings numerous surprises, where individuals see, over and over, how much their sense of self had been contrived, error-filled, fabricated. It is an exhilarating, even if often scary and lonely journey.

Eulibria rises beyond this dichotomy completely. It sees both “Right” and “Left” hand paths as traps. The Right Hand Path is a prison of guilt, obligation, outrage, fear, obedience. The Left Hand Path is a prison of defiance and arrogance – which can actually be immensely valuable for a time, but sooner or later become obsolete. Then, subtly and insidiously, these rebellious individualistic drives can become just as restrictive as the pitfalls of the Right Hand Path, if not more so.

These assertions, especially regarding the Left Hand Path, may come across as bold, ignorant, deluded, thoroughly unjustified. However, in the Eulibria framework, it’s fine to be seen in this way. Anyone reacting in this way is not ready for Eulibria, and may never be. But that is part of the perfection. Such is Eulibria!